Friday, February 15, 2013

Parshat Terumah: Donating with love

Parashah Terumah
Exodus 25:1-27:19

“…you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart so moves him.” Exodus 25:2

This week’s Torah portion opens with the above message in which God asks Moses to accept the Israelites’ donations toward the building of the Tabernacle. What a strange and random request at this stage of the Israelites Exodus. Moses finds himself in the peculiar circumstance of needing to ask a nation of recently freed slaves to donate the only material possessions they own while they wander in the dessert???

Even more bizarre is that the Israelites are in fact even in possession of such items as precious metals - gold, silver, and copper; textiles - linen, red wool, blue wool, and purple wool; animal skins like goat fleece and ram skins; and Cedar wood, olive oil, and precious stones; all of which not too long ago belonged to the Egyptians. (The Israelites gathered these items from the Egyptians as they were leaving Egypt during the Exodus.)

What we do know is that although this “fundraiser” came at a precarious time, and asked for 100% participation, “from every person whose heart so moves” them. What the people came to understand, however, was that the act of giving was what demonstrated their freedom. It was the giving that they could not do as slaves, and it was the inability to give that denied them the opportunity to receive through their gifts. All of a sudden they could now give, and they could give lots, and they could give freely, and they could give to the worthiest of causes.

Philanthropy and tzedakah are not the same according to our Jewish tradition, although many of us use those words as translations for one another. “Philanthropy” is considered to be an optional act of goodwill and humanitarianism. “Tzedakah” on the other hand, is considered a personal obligation to take care and provide for those who are less fortunate.

Some sages consider this “request” by God to be their first test as a free nation. Were they still slaves who were unable to act on their own accord? Or, were they now truly a free nation able to give of themselves and their belongings for a greater cause. For lack of any biblical terms…this was the first Capital Campaign for this freed nation! This was God asking for philanthropic donations to cover the building costs. Who was going to step up to the plate?

This weekend, ask your child what it means to help others. Do you need to be asked to do it, or do you do it freely? Tzedakah comes in many shapes and sizes, and any child of any age can find their way to fulfill this essential mitzvah. Research clearly shows that the child who understands the obligation of “charity” is one who is more empathic and likely to relate better to others in adulthood. Empathy comes from putting yourself in another’s proverbial “shoes”. Tzedakah comes from knowing that it is incumbent upon us to help those who are in need.

Shabbat shalom!

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