Friday, August 10, 2012

Putting "Community" in a Community Agency

So what does it mean to be a "community" agency?  This past year this question happened to be discussed in multiple meetings, informal settings, and as food for thought in impromptu conversations on my campus.

The results of these dialogues essentially fell into one of two camps.  The first, was the accessibility to the agency.  If the agency could be reached geographically from all over a certain community, then this camp felt comfortable defining the agency as a "community agency".  However, the second camp was much more philosophical in its definition.  Although geographic acces was nice, this group was much more interested in a "communal approach" to what "type" of Jew would feel comfortable attending, joining, or "accessing" this agency.  To this group "community" had much more to do with klal Yisrael than it did to zip codes and toll roads.

I have spent the better part of my career in the "community day school" world...the community day school world who defines itself according to the second description above.  But the reason I share this thought is because when I went on the BBYO trip this summer, it was clearly obvious that BBYO also defines itself in this second way.

From even before day one of the trip, during our training, through the very last day of the experience, participation in Jewish life, support of Jewish knowledge, and reinforcement of the teens Jewish identity, was all about accepting them wherever they were along their journey of Jewish self-discovery and practice.  Once we accepted them for who they were Jewishly "community" took over from there.  Our job was to build a community of differing opinions, shared thoughts, and multiple perspectives into one Jewish community.

For me, it was like being "home"...thanks BBYO!

And of course, here's a few more photos...

 Havdallah in Rome...

 ...enough said!

We even tried some Tikkun Olan (repairing the wold).
Straightening this building out didn't quiet work as planned???

Building community!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My BBYO Summer Experience

As many of you know, this summer I decided for the first time in my career that it was finally time to take a "real" vacation.  So, in the classic nammie way, my vacation brought three of my favorite subjects together; travel, Jewish education, and teens...hence the BBYO connection.

Basically, to cut to the chase, Lisa and I decided we would chaperone a BBYO trip through Europe.  The following are a few photos of the experience. With all good intentions I thought I would be able to blog each day...yeah that changed on Day 1!

Anyway, in hopes that over the next few days I can at least share some of the highlights.  Here are a few shots from the first two days.  Enjoy!

Touring Pompeii

The group at Pompeii with Mt. Vesuvius in the background

On our way up Mt. Vesuvius

Hiking up Mt. vesuvius with a view of the Mediterranean Sea

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers, 1651)
centered with the Egyptian Obelisk at Piazza Navona, Rome

Fontana del Moro (1576), located at the southern area of the Piazza Navona, Rome